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Two reasons for that

  1. To reduce gap between sample variance and population variance
    ( empirical reason )
    1. "1/n" version is the maximum likelihood estimate of the population variance, however, it is also mathematically biased
    2. sample variance is usually smaller than the population variance
      → estimation of the population variance is getting bigger than real
    3. to reduce gap using "1/n-1" convention ( provides an unbiased estimate )
    4. why not n-2 ?
      1. related to degree of freedom, that is n-1
  2. To match both expectation of sample variances and population variance
    ( mathematical reason )
    1. let,
      : sample size
      : sample mean
      : sample variance
      : population mean
      : population variance
    2. then, figure out following is true
    3. first,

    4. as here,